

Learn how to implement small changes at milking time to dramatically improve milking performance.

In partnership with DairyNZ.

What is this course about?
    • Improve efficiency, milk quality and profitability
    • Learn techniques that help reduce stress on cows and milkers, and improve udder health and milk quality
    • Explore management strategies, including the basics of MaxT (maximum milking time) to control total herd milking time
    • Bust some common milking myths – does under-milking cause mastitis?

“It’s literally just changing the way you’re doing things – without negative effects on anything else,”

Josh Wheeler, a recognised MilkSmart expert

2023 Courses

In-person (10am to 2pm)

MilkSmart dates

Find a MilkSmart course in your area then register with DairyNZ.

Cost (inc GST)


Who is it for?

For the whole farm team – split sessions catering for different experience levels

Dates / Duration

    • 1-day workshop
    • Held between milkings

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© Dairy Training Limited 2024