
Enrolment application submitted

Thank you for completing an enrolment application for this Dairy Training course.

You will receive an email with your enrolment application details for your records.

This is not an automatic confirmation into the course. Once we have assessed your enrolment application, we will email confirmation of acceptance with more information.

If you have any questions, please contact admin@dairytraining.co.nz or phone 0800 467 768.

Explore Dairy Training courses

Emerging Leadership

Learn team leadership skills and improve performance.

Contract Milking

Understand contracts and budgeting to set yourself up for success in contract milking.

Business by the Numbers

Get practical techniques to confidently manage your farm business and financials.

Write a Business Plan

Learn how to create a business plan for your dairy farm business.

Farm Environmental Planning

Develop a freshwater management action plan for your farm.

Feed for Profit

Take control of your pasture and feed management to drive farm profitability and sustainability.

© Dairy Training Limited 2024